Syed Sheharyar Ali is the Executive Director of Treet Corporation. At very young age he has added new companies with diversified ideas to his already established family busniess. He joined the company in 2006 and in such short period he managed to expand the roots with three new projects.
Packaging Solution was established in 2007. Later to fulfill the need of top quality paper for packaging Solution and to fill the vacuum in the paper industry he ventured into Packaging Solution Paper and Board Mill in 2010.
Feeding an insatiable thirst for diversification he ventured into yet another project this year. This time around it is a motorcycle Treet TR 70. Where everyone else is selling just plain Chinese motorcycles, he aims to kae Treet TR 70 a household name just like honda.
Tell us about how the journey of success began for Treet Corporation?
The history of the company dates back to pre-independence days, almost a century ago, when my great grandfather Sir Syed Maratib Ali expanded his agriculture business into trading and industrial partnerships. Soon after independence of Pakistan 1i 1947, the business activities were further diversified into industrialized operations of soap, ghee and razor manufacturing sectors.
The razor manufacturing operations started in 1954 in Hyderabad followed by 1972 in Lahore with the brand name of Treet. Different other blades were successfully added to the product mix with the passage of time. Treet is one of the oldest and well-known group of companies, achieving its place as one of the best 25 quoted industries on Karachi Stock Exchange. It is the only razor manufacturing company in Pakistan catering to shaving needs of its customers. Its brands are as old as history of Pakistan dominating the market due to tight quality control measures being followed since long, which were eventually translated into ISO-9002 certification. This credit goes to my grandfather Syed Wajid Ali who was a true entrepreneur, Philanthropist and a patriot for his unmatched direction that led the growth of company. Today, Treet is very aggressive and competitive under my father Shahid Ali. He inherits my grandfather’s drive to accepts the challenges created due to changing environments and market conditions. He has kept himself abreast of future trends, keeping the dynamism in the company.
Being the pioneer in production of shaving blades in Pakistan, how has the experience been?
It’s been a journey of constant endeavor, like all businesses it has witnessed ups and downs. We have tried our best to live up to the expectations of our customers by adopting the latest trends and technologies. In fact, it’s been our aim to reach the masses through quality products even compromising our profit margins.
Treet Corporation is the only local brand in Pakistan serving the entire country’s demand for blades and razors. Have there been no competition or the competitors were unable to sustain against the excellence of company?
Gillette had put up a blade manufacturing factory in Sindh but they could not compete with us as we always believe in passing on most of our profits to the consumers. After a few years they were forced to shut down their operation here. And then there have been adverse phases in the recent past, when our local market was bombarded by smuggled Indian brands that were under invoiced and came unchecked through Afghan transits trade but I would like to share that our team of professionals have catered all such menaces tactfully by adopting productive counter moves/techniques.
You have received ISO 9001-2000 certificate and were on the top ten recipients of the certificate in Pakistan. How do you assure such good quality?
It is simply because we believe in TQM i.e. Total Quality Management at all stages. We have always hired true professionals who have led us to this achievement. Our achievement can also be attributed simply to our motto “no compromises on quality”.
Are you exporting your products? Tell us about the countries where your products are exported regularly.
Our export departement has been a real asset to us in achieving our goals. We have been exporting our products to over 30 countries across the wolrd scuh as Iran, Middle East, Poland, Vietnam and Brazil to name a few. You will also be surprised to know that China who exports its products all over the world is our biggest buyer.
Let us now identify Sheharyar Ali as a person. Tell us about your family life.
Well I am the middle child and the only son. This should give you an idea about me. I was brought up in a joint family system. Being my grandparent’s favorite I was always spolit more than my sisters. As for my childhood I have millions of fond memories which would take too much time if I go in details. Now being married and having a son of my won, family life has changed. Yes the added responsibilities are there but the feeling one gets when holding their son is truly enexplained. I thank God for giving me the family I have today and could not ask for more.
What are your future plans for the company?
We have recently launched a motorcyle assembling project. Where eberyine else is selling Chinese motorcycles, we are aiming to be one of the best in the league and are striving to make Treet TR 70 a household name just like Honda. We are also considering venturing into energy conservation projects as it is the need of the hour. Soon you wil see us lead that way.
What was your childhood passion?
In one word… Technology. It intrigues me. I was into technology all along. I used to pull apart remote controlled cars in my childhood and would try to understand what made them work. A I grew older, I delved itno all kind of technology. Even today if my friends have a problem with their phones or computers etc- I am always the first one they call.
Who were your heroes and mentors in your life?
They would be my late grandfather and father. My father has th same vision and strong moral values as my late grandfather. It is only because of them I am who I am today.
How often do you travel with your family? What is your favorite vacation spot?
Well I try to travel al least once a year. As for the favorite spot there isn’t one because my wife and I both like to explore new places while we travel. I don’t think anyone can have a favorite spot unless you have seen everyplace.
What do you like the best about Royal Palm?
Well there are a lot of things. Picking one would be tough but is I have to, I would say their facilities and promises. They are by far one of the best in the country and I wish them all the best.